Hey Jim. I am veteran of the Gulf war and I was removed from service after I was involved in an auto accident.. I have been trying for disability for 20 yrs for a back and spine injury. I have been denied repeatedly without even having a c&p exam. My question is where could I find a doctor to write a nexus letter in my region. I live in Indiana and the doctors that I know of are in Oklahoma, Maryland, and Atlanta and that's to far for me to travel. Can you help?
Jim's Reply:
You're asking about a service called an Independent Medical Opinion or IMO. The doctors who write IMOs don't usually see you in person but rather rely on reviews of medical records to substantiate your claim. In other words, you contact the doctor and agree on a service, you mail the records along with whatever the fee you agreed to is, and the doctor reviews and writes an opinion for you to use in your claim. I use only 2 physicians across America since IMOs are notoriously difficult to do well. You can find them listed over on my VAWatchdog blog.