I have three easy (I hope) questions for you. I am rated 90% service connected. I just received a letter from the VA stating I have been rated "Individual Unemployability." The letter states I am still 90% service connected but 100% for Individual Unemployability. It goes on to say "No examination will be scheduled in the future." First, does this mean Individual Unemployability is permanent? Second, will this entitle my wife and I to get military I.D. cards and third, will the Individual Unemployability rating stop when I turn 65?
Thank you for all your help and service.
I'll offer very brief answers and then I'd like for you to head over to https://www.vawatchdog.org/tdiu-unemployability.html to learn a lot more about your benefit. The TDIU benefit is generous and you should learn all you can to take full advantage of it.
So...to your questions, yes, yes and no. Again, there's much more so please study up a bit.
Also, don't forget that you may now be eligible for SSDI. Having the TDIU benefit doesn't guarantee that the Social Security Administration folks will award you the SSDI benefit but it does help. You should consider applying for SSDI soon. You may collect both benefits with no offset.