I was diagnosed with a mental health condition that was aggravated by several MST events during military training and later service. I asked for help for it during training. I was given the option to refuse treatment and the doctor would not document it in my records in order that I could continue training and potentially get my security clearance and finish my term of enlistment in my contracted MOS. I continued to have symptoms and went through a lot of unsuccessful treatment afterwards. I am now 100% disabled for the condition through Social Security. I have requested a copy of my medical records which did not include any mention of my approximately two-week absence and presence at Ft. Hood. I did not graduate with my normal class and was washed back to the next graduating class. This training took place at Goodfellow AFB whose subjects were classified and many components of it were conducted in a SCIF and subject to limited information disclosure. Is there anyway to document any of this, given what I've told you? Right now, the VA doctors have put many pages stating that my conditions were likely due to childhood abuse but I never saw anybody that could have caught it. School counselors talked to people that demonstrated chronic behavioral problems that interfered with other students or were in danger of failing. My own primary care pediatrician molested me every time I was forced to see him. I told my parents who just blew it off. I was the redheaded stepchild anyway if you pardon the expression. The doctor eventually lost his license, did prison time based upon complaints from other patients to parents that believed their kids. Didn't find out till much time had passed after leaving the Army. I enlisted at 16.
Jim's Reply:
The only way to answer your questions is to file for a disability benefit and allow the adjudication to occur over time.
You'll have answers then.