What can I receive? I was married to my husband who is 100 percent for 21 years. Divorce is not yet final. I have an opportunity to seek what I can receive before my time runs out. I married him after he served 20 years. He also retired from post office during our marriage, I was his care taker during our entire marriage. Now my back is in bad shape, am seeking to keep my insurance and wanted to know what else I can receive.
Jim's Reply:
The court will determine any obligations you may be owed upon divorce. The judge or magistrate will consider finances and such to make a determination and in the divorce decree there will be stipulations about who owes what to who. You need to review this with your attorney representative to ensure that all information is reported accurately.
- PS from StatesideLegal: If you don't have an attorney, use the "Find Legal Help" directory to look for an LRS provider near you and request a low-cost consult with an attorney familiar with VA/military benefits and divorce.