Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 451 - 460 of 3154
June 5, 2021
New agent orange presumptives
How do you think Hypothyroidism will be calculated under the new Agent Orange presumption?
June 3, 2021
Should I try to switch from a TDIU rating to a schedular rating? Is the TDIU allowable income level based on the veteran alone or the household size?
June 3, 2021
Nemer Decision Reviews
My claims are being automatically reviewed under the Nemer decision. Can the VA reduce my benefits after automatically reopening my case?
June 2, 2021
Current-Future ratings
Should I file a VA claim to increase my current disabilities? I think if they are rated at more than 30%, I might hit a rating of 100% for my…
May 29, 2021
Is it true that I'm allowed to work even if I'm rated TDIU?
May 27, 2021
ExPat Benefits?
Do I qualify for any benefits as an veteran living oversees?
May 27, 2021
Is there a difference between one who volunteers and one who is drafted?
May 27, 2021
C & P Exams?
Is there any point (age) at which the VA no longer calls you in for C&P exams?
May 26, 2021
Agent Orange Presumptives
Will the VA rate me on my severe COPD as a residual illness even with my lung cancer in remission?
May 24, 2021
Nexus Letter/IMO
Where can I find a doctor for a Nexus Letter?