Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 391 - 400 of 3154
July 26, 2021
What should be done if someone is in the VA appeals process and the medical issue they claimed is now presumptive due to Agent Orange exposure?
July 26, 2021
Cancer ratings
Will I be subject to continued rating reviews if my cancer has no cure and only temporary remissions?
July 26, 2021
How do you complete a living will or trust?
July 25, 2021
Should I get Medicare Parts A and B if I'm rated 100% with a service-connected disability?
July 23, 2021
Will buying land with a lease affect my TDIU?
July 23, 2021
Can I get an increased rating for additional conditions from the MEB/PEB?
July 22, 2021
Ratings Reduction?
Will the VA try to reduce my 20% rating after shoulder surgery?
July 22, 2021
DIC & P & T
Is a spouse eligible for DIC if the deceased veteran was rated 100% TDIU for over 10 years, but not rated 100% P&T until recently?
July 22, 2021
DIC Benefits
If I pass away before my wife, will she be eligible for a portion of my monthly disability pension no matter the cause of my death, or does my death…
July 21, 2021
Effective dates?
Can I get my claim backdated to my discharge date if I was given bad advice at the VA?