Jim's Mailbag
Displaying 2701 - 2710 of 3154
December 2, 2013
VA Appointed Fiduciaries
My mother has been receiving VA benefits for five years. She is in a wheelchair with MS and I have been her full time caregiver. A few months…
December 2, 2013
Most initial claims aren't properly adjudicated and will require an appeal
Hi Jim,
Great job you are doing. keep it up.
I am awaiting for my appeal to heard, about a C/P knee exam, I have heard there are four separate…
December 2, 2013
Only income earned from working will affect your TDIU
Dear Jim,
I want to thank you for all your help you give to vets. I follow your site and I recommend it as much as I can. I wrote you some…
December 2, 2013
VA assistance for survivors after veteran's death
Mr. Strickland,
I had a dear 100% disabled veteran friend that passed away just a couple a weeks ago. His wife called me last night to see if I…
November 7, 2013
Travel Reimbursement
I have talked with a representative in travel three times about my travel pay. The VA now uses a different map- ("military Bing map…
November 7, 2013
Back claim for Ischemic Heart Disease
Back in early March I tripped over an article on the VA now accepting claims for Ischemic Heart Disease under the Agent Orange…
October 9, 2013
October 9, 2013
Re-evaluation of Disability Ratings
Hello Jim,
I served in the Navy during the First Gulf War with the Seabees. I got out in 1992, in 2005 my friend saw the signs of PTSD and…
October 9, 2013
Buddy letters
Hi Jim,
Recently a friend of ours told us the VA raters are looking for keywords in buddy letters. Could you advise what some of them are…
September 27, 2013
Thoughts on Reconsideration from a rater at the VA
Hello Jim,
I'm a VA employee and a rater at a VARO. You recently had a discussion about how "reconsideration" is used instead of going straight to a…