I receive an SSDI of about $1,500mo. Also a 10% disability compensation of about $140mo: it was for a pylonital cyst I received while serving. I'm currently trying to get the compensation increased. The compensation was also granted for the cyst and for tinitus I contracted working around jet engine intakes (USAF). My hearing was greatly damaged too and began receiving epileptic seizures. Will I be able to get my compensation adjusted and receive my compensation? No one seems to know for sure.
Jim's Reply:
To be honest, I'm surprised you have a rating for a pilonidal cyst since most of those clear up and aren't rated. Unless you have serious issues with that, I wouldn't seek an increase. Tinnitus is rated at 10% max...there are no increases for that. If you can service connect epilepsy and hearing loss, by all means you should file a claim for those.