IHD & Vascular disease


I have a 30% VA disability under Blue Water Vets Act for IHD and quadruple bypass surgery in 2020. In 2018 I suffered a stroke as result of carotid artery disease. Is carotid artery disease covered as presumptive service connection under Blue Water Vets Act ?

Jim's Reply:


No. Carotid artery disease as well as any other peripheral artery disease is not a part of the presumptive disease package. 

You might be thinking that doesn't make any sense because the etiology behind any vascular disease of a like kind is going to be much the same and you would be right. We don't understand how VA selected coronary artery disease (IHD) and none of the other arterial vascular diseases but it is what it is. You can't claim carotid artery disease as presumptive to agent orange.