I have had an AAA Repair with 5 stents and I am applying for ISHD ischemic heart disease as a disability since I was stationed in Vietnam. It is a presumptive disability. I have been told that having a AAA and or TAAA isn't by itself enough to get the compensation for IHD, Ishemic heart disease. Is this true and why do they think the AAA or TAAA wasn't caused by CAD?
Jim's Reply:
I can't explain exactly why the expert panels of scientists who in years past examined the data and concluded that agent orange caused coronary artery disease (IHD-Ischemic Heart Disease) but not other vascular issues when the underlying mechanisms of cause are exactly the same...vascular disease is vascular disease whether in the heart, kidneys or carotid arteries. Nonetheless, they didn't ask me and what we have today is a regulation that makes no sense but it is what it is.
I'll assume that the stents you refer to were less invasive attempts to repair your aorta and femoral arteries and not stents in the vessels of your heart. In any case the AAA and/or the TAA won't be approved as presumptive to agent orange.
To proceed with a claim that will be successful in rating your aneurysms as presumptive to your agent orange exposure you'll need an Independent Medical Opinion from a disability expert who has experience in agent orange claims. You may learn more about the IMO here. Good luck sir.