Husband eligible for VA day care help?


My husband was in the Air Force 1959-1961. I know he went to Vietnam Nam with the Air Force once. He now has Alzheimer’s. I have been trying to see if he is eligible for any help with his day care coverage. I was told he did not because I work, but that if he was a Vietnam Nam veteran he might. I have no idea how to determine if he is a Vietnam Nam veteran, nor can I figure out where to go for assistance, despite repeated calls. Thank you

Jim's Reply:

For VA purposes, in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 38 Paragraph 3.2 (f), the Vietnam Era is "The period beginning on February 28, 1961, and ending on May 7, 1975, inclusive, in the case of a veteran who served in the Republic of Vietnam during that period.

In other words, his service would have had to take him to Vietnam some time after 02/28/1961. You say he was discharged in 1961 so there is only a brief period where he could have qualified.

To retrieve his DD 214 and any other records, start here.

  • PS from StatesideLegal: Please note that, because of Covid 19, the National Personnel Records Center is currently servicing only urgent requests related to homeless veterans, medical emergencies, and funerals, which may be faxed to 314-801-0764

Look for a CVSO to help you here