How can I stop apportionment?
VA has made a decision of apportionment for my ex wife and her children. Prior to my suicidal attempt back in 2016, my wife ( at the time ) had confessed to me that none of our children in our marriage were mine. Also 2018 she had confessed in court, that I am not the biological father of the children.
Jim's Reply:
VA is making their decision based on the orders of the court that you must pay support. The only way to have this changed is to return to court and seek a modification of the existing child support order. Nothing else you do will make any difference unless and until the court agrees. For what it's worth, the family court doesn't always rely on DNA to determine who a parent is...there are extenuating circumstances that may come into play and even if you aren't the biological parent you may be help responsible for the welfare of the children who view you as a father figure. You're going to need a lawyer!