Hepatitis C since 2006 but new drugs can cure this


Hi Jim, my husband has Hepatitis C and is 100% permanent & total, service connected. He received his disability in Aug. 2006. We are being contacted by VA doctors now wanting him to take meds that can "cure" the virus. If he does this, will they take away his benefits? He is 60 years old & this would be devastating.

Jim's Reply:

Your husband has been rated long enough that it would be very difficult for VA to reduce his rating. However, to my knowledge there isn't any final determination about how these cases will be managed. In most cases (a cancer for example) where a cure is achieved a rating will often drop from 100% to a lower 40% or 60% that reflects any residual damage done after treatment. He will need to do a careful review with his doctor to determine his next steps.