Hearing Loss?


I just got a cochlear implant from VA and I'm at 50% hearing loss. Can I file for increase, prosthetic pay?


Jim's Reply:

Hearing loss and tinnitus are the leading disabling conditions claimed by veterans. These are also among the most challenging of all ratings to get right and will require your patience. VA typically denies or lowballs the ratings for hearing loss because it is so very complex to determine the correct rating. You are a great example...50% for a profound hearing loss that requires a surgical implant is way too low.

Yes, you should file for an increase, possibly to a 100% rating and then some. You should also be eligible for a 100% recuperative rating after the surgery and depending on your other ratings, you could even be eligible for Special Monthly Compensation or SMC   https://militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/special-monthly-compensation.html 

You must initiate the paperwork filing for all this yourself. Nothing will happen until you do.

Sorting out just what you may be eligible for will take some time and you're the best person to do that. Let's start with an appeal at the BVA that gives you an idea of the topics you need to address   https://www.va.gov/vetapp21/files7/21040694.txt   You can search for more like this here   https://www.index.va.gov/search/va/bva.jsp 

You'll want to learn more about Impairment of Auditory Acuity here   https://www.benefits.va.gov/WARMS/bookc.asp#g 

You should also consider whether or not your service connected hearing loss and tinnitus has had any mental health effects on you? Profound hearing loss can cause depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions that are often compensable as secondary conditions.   You can speak with this doctor about that, he's helped a lot of veterans with hearing loss and mental health claims. Tell him I said you should contact him.

You can file these claims yourself https://www.vawatchdog.org/how-to-file-a-claim.html  or you can seek some help from a state/county veterans service officer in your region https://www.nacvso.org/ 

Your disability is a very serious medical condition that will have a powerful effect on the rest of your life and it's my opinion that your current 50% rating is way too low for that. If I were you I'd file for an increase and then do it again. If VA denies any of this, get some help https://www.vawatchdog.org/how-to-hire-a-veterans-law-attorney.html  Good luck sir.