Health Benefits


I’m looking for a legal advisor to help my husband get all his benefits with the VA hospital so he doesn’t have to wait for months to see a doctor or pay out of pocket when he goes. Also he has to pay a civilian doctor if it’s an emergency.


Jim's Reply:

I'm afraid that I don't know of any sort of 'legal advisor' that could help you. I'm about as close to that as anyone I know and I lived in Georgia and know the system there well. You're welcome to contact me and we can see how he may better navigate the system.

To be honest, the VA health care system is such a disaster today that depending on where you are, there's nothing that can help you except your own effort. By that I mean that you have to keep your expectations realistic and you need a lot of patience. 

His ratings will play into his appointment priority as well as any copays he may be charged. It's a complex system and the more you know how it works, the better.