I am 100% P&T. I have been wanting to attend online classes but have been told my P&T status would be affected. Please advise.
Jim's Reply:
Your disability rating and status will not be affected by a return to school.
Use your GI Bill/Education benefits carefully, there are a lot of for-profit scams that are infamous for taking your money and not delivering on their promises. This is even more true today while we're caught in the grips of the global pandemic.
On-line learning is a great way to go but currently all systems are experiencing overloads and future rules and regs are being promulgated right now. Before you commit to anything that sounds too good to be true, get some counsel...because it probably is.
Yes...I'm a skeptic of the educational offerings vets are getting these days, for good reason. Use caution, take it slow, you'll do well.
Good luck!