Foreign Medical Program


Veteran...not on active duty... from PHX.. was seriously injured in Canada. VA has refused to pay for his medical and hospital expenses because he is OUT OF THE COUNTRY...or so his wife is now claiming. Can this be true..??

Jim's Reply:

Can this be true? Yes.

The FMP   has significant restrictions including services, treatment or prescriptions unrelated to the service-connected disability.

If your friend was in some sort of accident and was injured, he is pretty much dependent on any travelers insurance they may have purchased while visiting Canada.  See here for more information.  

When we travel to other countries, (or out of our VA network or region whether in the states or not) and if we are veterans or not, it's up to each one of us to be prepared to meet requirements of all kinds of insurances...medical, auto, flight, cruise, etc., and to carry the proper documentation with us at all times. In this event, if your friend had touched base with the folks at the FMP he'd have been given information of the travelers insurance he needed. As it is now he may want to get in touch with the American Embassy and seek advice there.