Fiduciary Appointment


I was just awarded 100% up from 70% and now they say I need a
Fiduciary. I dont want one and want to speak to a lawyer. Do you
have any info or phone numbers of lawyers in Southern California.


A fiduciary is an individual who is appointed by VA to manage the VA
issued benefits money of an individual who has been declared
incompetent by VA to handle their own finances. It's my opinion and
the opinion of many others that the VA fiduciary program is badly
broken and ineffective.

Rather than referring you to a lawyer today, I'll advise that you
closely watch my web site for developments by clicking here

The VA fiduciary appointment program is under assault by attorneys and
those veterans advocates have made recent progress in forcing VA to
change how it's operating the program. On the web site you'll find
simple instructions on steps you should take right now to begin an
appeals process to tell VA why you do not agree with the VA decision
that you require assistance to handle your own finances. I'd urge you
to begin the appeals process and to do that in writing using certified

Keep checking back to my web site for further news. As this develops
you'll find updates for lawyers who are seeking clients and much more.