Eye problems prompted claim for Diabetic Retinopathy


Jim thanks for being our ‘go to guy’ ....I draw 70% AO and one disability is diabetic. I started getting shots in my eye 12 so far. So I filled diabetic retinopathy as secondary. VA decision came back saying....Service connection for diabetic retinopathy with MILD macular edema is granted with an evaluation of 0 percent. I ask my eye Doctor about their finding and he showed me on the 12 visit treatment paper work it where he wrote it up saying  MODERATE which all 12 sheets were filled. My private Dr. said it’s listed in 4 categories ‘mild, moderated, severe and proliferative. Question should I let it go? I’m still getting shots but they're spread out longer between treatments. Thank You

Jim's Reply:

should I let it go?" The only way to answer that is to determine whether or not a different decision would make a difference to your overall rating. To do that you have to go to The Schedule For
Rating Disabilities
  to determine just how this is rated and then you head to the Combined Ratings Table  to add it up and learn if there will be any difference or if your rating would remain the same. It's a bit of fuss but that's the only way to be sure if you should bother or not.