Extended care


My dad was accepted in a VA contracted nursing home as his insurance ran out and we are self pay and can no longer afford the facility he is in. Two days later,  they said they were denying him because he is in a wheelchair. The fact he was in a wheelchair is in all his paperwork they asked for. His current nursing home has informed me that if I cannot pay they will leave him at my front door (I live on the second floor and this is not an option.) I can't help but feel he got denied for another reason they will not disclose. What course can I take and should I seek legal help? Is there legal help specifically for Veterans?  He is 80% service connected disabled. Thank you for all you do!

Jim's Reply:

You can speak with a veterans law attorney but I have doubts they'll be able to help you. https://www.vawatchdog.org/how-to-hire-a-veterans-law-attorney.html 

Before you contact a lawyer, try a state or county veterans service officer...they are often well connected in your region https://www.nacvso.org/  

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  You may also want to check with your local LSC provider in our "Find Legal Help" directory for your state.  Many free legal aid programs have experience with discrimination on the basis of disability and might be able to provide your family with some guidance.