

I served in the US Army Dental Corps from July 1973 to July 1975. I fall under the years considered as serving during the Vietnam Era so I would be considered a Vietnam Era Veteran. I also served during the time from 2 September 1945 to 26 December 1991 and received my Certificate of Recognition as serving during the period of the Cold War (Era). What am I considered? A Cold War Era Veteran or a Vietnam Era Veteran or both?


Jim's Reply:


I have to confess that I hadn't heard of the Cold War Recognition Certificate. Having read through that page I've learned that I'm eligible too. I just can't imagine what value a piece of paper like that has though? "Anyone who worked for the U.S. Government at any time during the Cold War era, Sept. 2, 1945 through Dec. 26, 1991, is eligible...". That doesn't see to be very exclusive or rewarding.

I'm a Vietnam era veteran having served 1967-1970 and I guess that I'd never considered that I also served during a period often called The Cold War.

If it's that important to you, you can call yourself a Vietnam era vet who served during the cold war or a cold war veteran who served during the Vietnam war era. I think I'll just continue to call myself a veteran who served my country and that's all.