Dump VSO - DIY

I'm currently rated at 30% for psoriasis and the condition has worsened over the last few years. My last Derm appointment, 3 months ago, with the VA showed I was at approximately 35%-40%BSA. I visited my PCP last week and he approximated I'm anywhere from 40%-50& BSA. (40% BSA or higher is rated at 60%)
Here's my question. The DAV is representing me in my case for an increase but my represenative stated I may not get a C&P exam until after the winter. I explained to him that with psoriasis I should be seen during the worst outbreak (My VA derm stated this), and I thought I did see some rules somewhere that verify my doctors statement. Any input would be appreciated. I live in the northeast where the skin condition is worst in the winter.
Also, I sent my DAV represenative a few emails with questions and information on a Saturday and it is now Wednesday and I've seen no response. I understand he is very busy, but if he has no time to respond am I better off finding another rep or go at it alone.
I'm an unabashed proponent of dumping your VSO at the first chance. Any VSO...unless you can't read, write or use a computer...serves a a middle-man and I don't think that they serve any useful purpose. I teach DIY. Your thinking is perfectly reasonable.
When a condition becomes worse, you may then request that VA review the condition to consider a higher rating. You should first be sure that the evidence you have supports your conclusions. You can determine just what the requirements are by reviewing The Schedule For Rating Disabilities and match your condition exactly to those requirements. It's then a matter of writing a simple letter to VA to explain what it is you need. There are numerous examples of how to do this on the web sites that I write at.