Drug Screens


Dear Jim...what are my rights when I say yes and take a toxicity urine test?

Jim's Reply:

Well, I suppose it depends on the circumstances. If this were a pre-employment screen you could decline and forget the job. If this were during your work hours, like a random drug test policy or a test done because of an accident or event, then that's sort of between you and the employer and you would be well advised to speak with a lawyer. If you're thinking about the routine drug screening that occurs to all of us at VA health centers, you have the right to decline testing before it's done and pretty much nothing will happen. Substance abuse at VA doesn't have any connection to disability benefits so the most that would happen for a positive screen would be a recommendation to pursue treatment and VA wouldn't prescribe narcotics to you. Most won't blink for a positive marijuana screen, few care about that these days. Other drugs are a problem though so ask yourself why you want to avoid drug screens?