Divorce Entitlements


Hello Jim- I am the wife of a medically retired veteran. We have been married for a total of 23 years. My husband decided to leave me in August if this year with our daughter. It is a long story but shortened my question is...when I say a total of 23 years we were married from Aug 17, 1996 and divorced for 4 months in 2011 and then remarried in Nov 2011. So in total for 23 years we were divorced only 4 months. I should have never came back...I know I know. Anyways, am I entitled to anything? While we were married he was in the military a total of 6 years and then he was medically retired for PTSD. He was previously in the military before we were married. Total I believe it equals 17 years. I do know he signed some kind of waiver just not sure what kind. Please help! Thank you!

Jim's Reply:

When we divorce as veterans and spouses, we're divorcing as civilians. Neither VA nor DoD have any say in our divorces because we're civilians. The truth is neither VA nor DoD want anything to do with your divorce. The only decision making authority in a divorce is the family court that has jurisdiction. The judge or magistrate will hear all the evidence and review financial statements from each party and then make a decision of who owes what to who...and when. Nobody else has any particular authority when it comes to answering your questions so the sooner you're in a courtroom, the sooner you'll understand just what is going to happen.