Disabled vet needs family law representation


I would like to know if there is legal representation available for family law issues for disabled veterans in Maryland? If so, where would I find them?

Jim's Reply:

There are no such services anywhere that I'm aware of. Divorce and the disabled (rated, service connected, compensated) veteran isn't any different than most any other divorce. The court will take any special needs into consideration but the focus is on the children and ensuring they're appropriately cared for. The disabled vet who receives income from VA will learn that the monthly amount of the disability payment is calculated as income for support decrees. You need a divorce lawyer,not a veterans lawyer.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  Use the "Find Legal Help" feature on this site to look for legal representation from a local  LSC and LRS providers in your area of Maryland.  Some communities also  have occasional free clinics staffed by volunteer lawyers to help veterans with various legal needs.  Your local LSC or LRS provider may be able to tell you about those clinics if they can't help directly.