Dependent's Benefits


I have just been VA system for short while, and have some health problems. Upon my death, will my wife get any of my benefits if she still living? If so, what type? I'm a Vietnam combat veteran. Thanks.


Jim's Reply:

When a veteran passes there are some benefits we all share...death benefits such as burial in a National Cemetery and some associated expenses are available.

Otherwise, unless the veteran dies of a service connected condition...a rated disability...there really isn't much. 

When a veteran dies of a service connected condition the dependents left behind are eligible to apply for the DIC benefit. The DIC benefit is a monthly payment and some other benefits for the survivor, it isn't a part of your benefit.

I urge veterans to take the time to develop a will and to discuss all the options if the vet should pass unexpectedly. These aren't always easy discussions to have but having them will be a real plus to survivors.