C&P Wait Time


my question is what is the normal wait time for a C&P Exam after you have filed your VA claim. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I write about these wait times a lot. One of the top questions I receive, dozens of time each week, is "How long does it take...?"

There is no normal time for the C & P to occur. If you filed the claim properly, and you have your certified mail receipt so you know the claim is inside the VA Regional Office, and you have the standard "We're working on your claim" letter...the C % P may happen anywhere from about 4 months to 24 months after you file.

No, I'm not kidding and yes, I do know what I'm talking about. The VA disability claims process operates in total chaos. There are about one million claims that VA confesses are past due by over 125 days. I personally believe the number is greater than one million delayed claims and I believe that the wait time is about 2 years from start to finish.

Many agree with me.

Please read more at my web site here https://www.vawatchdog.org/the-va-claims-backlog.html and then here https://www.vawatchdog.org/how-to-track-your-claim.html