Continued Unit training has increased disabilities


I currently have a 50% disability rating from the VA for PTSD and daily migraines. Continued training has caused my disabilities to increase significantly, so about 15 months ago I sought out a medical board. Two months ago, for reasons that are still unclear to me, was denied. I have asked and attempted every route to have my contract cut short. My unit has made zero attempts to assist me! Instead they are attempting to move me to another unit for what I assume is an attempt not to worry about my issues. It has gotten so bad that I have considered trying to break a bone just to get out of training because the stress of attending is so overwhelming! Still my unit has zero interest in me. I haven't taken a PT Test since about 2014, I have a failed family care plan, I am not MOSQ, I have disabilities that are strained due to training and my unit still refuses to release me. At this point I am willing to not show up and pray the police do not show up, possibly hindering my ability to parent. I don't know what to do or where to turn! Is there anything StatesideLegal can do to assist?

Jim's Reply:

Stateside Legal is a conduit or a portal to help you to help yourself and as such there isn't anything that the business entity can do for you. Yours is a seriously complex legal issue that will have an effect on the rest of your life. You need an expert legal representative who can guide you through the issues you're confronted with. You should search the Stateside Legal site to get some direction to an attorney who is expert in military law...often enough a former JAG is a plus. Good luck!

PS from StatesideLegal:  Using the "Find Legal Help" tab for your zip code, contact your local LRS provider and ask them to locate an attorney with military law expertise to provide you with a consultation.