Hello, my question is about degenerative disk disease, and cervical stenosis. I have been diagnosed with both by my doctor (mri’s have been performed). I went in to the local DAV, and she gave me 2 Nexus packets for these two secondary conditions. I’m currently rated at 70% (blood pressure, left and right leg sciatica, and sacroiliitis). My question to you is will these two conditions require the VA to exam me with the whole range in motion procedure? Second question is what are the usual (lowest to highest) ratings for these conditions? My doctor has already completed both Nexus forms in detail. Please help. Thank you.
Jim's Reply:
Yes, VA will require a C & P exam in addition to anything you may submit...they always do. The best I can tell you is that depending on individual circumstances, ratings may go from 0% to 100% and even into the SMC category. My crystal ball took the day off so we'll have to wait and see what VA tells you.