Hi Jim, Thanks for the answer on my daughters cancer. We are working on it. I have another one. My husband is paying alimony and at first the payments were going thru the child support enforcement. After the divorce, he was ordered to have it come from his banking account directly to hers. the courts were taking money from his disability, his Army retirement and his SS. They stopped taking from his SS and he gets the full amount. The deductions from his Army disability and his Army pension are still being sent to the Child Support Enforcement and no amount of communication will get them to fix it. The Child Support Enforcement sends him the money back. How do you get to someone who will look into his pay and make it all come to him? I am afraid that one day the CSEA will not accept it and he will lose the money because no one knows where to send it. We have filled out numerous form, sent the court order, sent the divorce decree, CSEA has tried to communicate with them, nothing helps. Is there any way to set down with someone in person and go over this? Thank
Jim's Reply:
You need to speak with a veterans law attorney who also knows something about divorce. Have a look here and speak to the attorneys you'll see...