Champva vs. Obamacare as primary insurance


Hi I receive Champva as a secondary insurance as my husband was the veteran and he died from agent orange related lung cancer . I lost my job. I am seeing that Champva is normally not the primary insurance. I am now paying Cobra ($600) and wondered if I should get government insurance which might be cheaper and keep Champva as my secondary? I applied for SSD but that process has just begun. I am 62 years old. I am trying not to take my SS now because it is much less, and I do have a number of health conditions so I believe I will be approved for SSD. Are their cases where Champva is the primary or is my best bet Obamacare as the primary?

Jim's Reply:

Health insurance is a very individualized decision for each of us. If I were you I'd sit down with a trusted friend or a financial adviser to carefully review your options. I can't do that via need to find someone local who can help you.