I am a P & T disabled veteran drawing 100% compensation for over 10 years now (70 % PTSD and 10% left knee condition.) I was in Camp Lejeune during 1968 - 1969. As you know, the water was contaminated at that time. I would at least like to get on the register of the victims list. I developed bladder cancer because of it, I am sure. I receive enough compensation as of now and medical assistance from the VA, so I am satisfied. I am married and my wife will be able to draw part of the compensation after I die because it has been over 10 years that I have been rated 80% with unemployability. I was thinking about seeking further rating for the Camp Lejeune water contamination but I was told there is risk if I do. Right now my file states "no future exams, " so if I would file for the water contamination (bladder cancer), then I would be risking that determination ("no future exams") being taken away. And I was told I could possibly lose my 100% percent compensation award if I re-open my file. So should I just let it go? I would at least like to be on the list of those contaminated. I probably just should drop it because there is nothing to gain. Am I right in thinking this? What to do! Thanks, Jim!
Jim's Reply:
Bladder cancer is a signature disease of the Camp Lejeune contaminated water event. Whether or not you need additional compensation or health care, I'd advise that you go through the routine and file the claim soon. We never know what the future may hold and to have this as part of your record may prove valuable. You won't risk lose any current benefits so you may as well do the paperwork and get in the system. There is no downside.