Benefits Status: VA Toll free number of no use


My claim for IHD has been at the Ratings Board for about 90 days+. I call 2 twice a week and they tell me I should hear very soon. They have all the medical info they need to determine my case. I feel the longer they take --the result will be disappointing and they will turn my claim down. I had 2 heart attack (sting installed) 2nd h.attack (quad by pass). Should I keep calling or just wait for the brown envelope?


I rant daily that veterans should not call the toll free number. VA cases are taking 12 to 24 months to adjudicate these days...VA has about one million claims along with yours that are pending and running way behind. Your case will be decided when it gets decided and not a moment sooner. That toll free number is just a diversion and there is no information of any value to be found there.