Hope all is well for you and your family.We have spoken previously via E_mail. My question for you today concerns my ETS exam. I had applied for service connected high blood pressure in 2005 I was denied. I replied this year with a nexus letter from my private physician after he examied my service medical records and myself.He stated It was more likely than not that I had high blood pressure while in service.I sent this to VA in March of this year.But still haven't heard anything.I was going over my medical records that Va had sent to me.After close examination you can clearly see where my BP readings have been altered. Someone tried to erase them I'm guessing. But you clearly see new readings that are written over the other readings. Any advice you could give me as to what I should do would be greatly appreciated. I thought about waiting to see if the Va connected me Via the nexus letter.then appealing and pointing out the altered records.But after considerable thought. I figured Id consult you as I know you will point me in the right direction.As always thank you for your support of veterans
You have already come to the same conclusion I would have.
Don't upset the process while it's ongoing. Wait to see what happens.
When you get the decision, get back to me and you and I can decide
what sort of appeal, if any, you should pursue.
Good work friend! I'm pleased to see how you're thinking about this one.