

I hold a 100% P&T rating from an Agent Orange related cancer. I applied over a year ago for an extra SMC benefit, due to prostate and bladder cancer. I had both the bladder and prostate removed and now wear an appliance. I received a favorable rating concerning the prostate and the appliance, but nothing concerning the bladder cancer. Is this the norm?


Jim's Reply:

If what you tell me is accurate, no...I don't believe that your rating is correct. However, I can't be sure that there isn't a typo that excludes mention of the bladder cancer but doesn't affect the overall rating. That's a frequent happening at your VA.

I think that were I in your spot I'd seek a higher level review just to be sure. This won't require a lot of effort for you and it should get you an answer eventually. Keep in mind that your VA is way behind in appeals since they're making so many mistakes during the first try.

More info is here  Good luck sir.