I was awarded IU 5 years ago when I was almost 60. I've heard that after 20 years it turns in to 100% schedular. Any time in between it can be reviewed. I'm not sure I'll be around to see the 20 years deal. I was wondering if their is an age for us old folks that they say, well he's getting to old to have to worry about getting better or being able to possibly be able to go back to work, so we will drop the 20 year deal and make him schedular, and he wont have to worry about the review board.
IU (TDIU) does not convert to schedular. Either benefit may be permanent or temporary. At your age it is most likely permanent. Temporary ratings are usually assigned to veterans under the age of 55.
Any benefit can be reviewed at any time. The term "permanent" has little meaning at VA. The only permanence is after 20 years when the benefit is said to be "protected".
If you don't participate in gainful employment and if you complete and return the VA Form 21-4140 as you should each year, you have very little to be worried about.
Please read up on your benefit at http://www.vawatchdog.org/tdiu-unemployability.html and also at http://www.vawatchdog.org/permanent-and-total---p---t-.html