Are Residuals P & T?


If my decision letter says I’m being paid 100% for residuals due to lung cancer but doesn’t say I am P&T. Will I be called for C&P at some point? Thanks for your help.


Jim's Reply:

You may be...probably are...rated as permanently disabled. I can't be certain without looking at your file but to be rated at 100% for cancer is always a temporary rating with future exams scheduled.

To be rated for the residuals of treatment for cancer points toward a more lasting disabling condition or set of conditions that make improvement unlikely so your rating is permanent. If you are on home oxygen therapy your rating will be 100% but not P & T. If you have an underlying rating of 60% and you are on home oxygen you could combine those to equal 160% total which makes you eligible for the SMC Housebound rating.

If you aren't sure, be prepared for a future exam and be happy if it never arrives.

Good luck!