I was wondering if you could give me any advise? About 10 months ago I was rated 0% for SI joint dysfunction. Since being at the VA they have ordered x-rays, cat scans and found sclerosis around the joint area. I have been ordered to take double dose of pain meds, PT, and have received cortisone injections. My pain is still persistent in fact a little worse. I was wondering what your thoughts were on that particular condition. Would I be wasting my time to do a NOD?
A NOD & appeal for a higher rating is appropriate. If you'll head to my web site at http://vawatchdogtoday.org and look for the pages that address requesting an increase to an existing rating as well as looking at letter templates, you'll get a good idea of how to proceed. Your NOD will not be objecting to the denial of service connection (the usual basis for NOD) but will be focused on the low 0% rating.
You'll also find good and helpful information about seeking modifications of your existing rating on the Stateside Legal site here http://www.statesidelegal.org
Good luck.