Appeal Board hearing coming up


I have been awarded PTSD service connected granted anxiety to a lesser degree for depression still fighting for an increase in this. However I have been diagnosed with OSA and require the use of a CPAP device. I applyed for service connection for this secondary to PTSD.  they denied my claim stating no proof that the PTSD caused the OSA.  However my claim was for PTSD aggrevating the Apena, not causing it. I filed a NOD and have statements from my Primary and also my Pulmonogist outside of the VA system - they both agree that it is most likely than not that the PTSD aggreviates the APNEA, I also have some documented calls to the Crisis Line that I have placed. I receive care from the VA Mental Health Clinic and regular meetings at the Vet Center.Nothing improving getting worse.My last records reviewed were up to November 2017 a lot has happened from that point. One Problem I have is that what is said in my Shrink meetings most of it would be in my favor but it is never documented as it is discussed in the meeting. Too bad I can't use tape recordings as I have taped some of our last meetings what is said is quite different that what is documented in my medical records. I have a televised Board hearing coming in the near future.  I feel overwhelmed with this.  I will have a paralegal but not until an hour before the hearing. not a lot of time to prepare. Will the Doctors Statements carry any weight ? I feel totally lost with this. HELP Please.

Jim's Reply:

I advise every veteran who needs to appeal a denied claim to retain and accredited veterans law attorney as soon as the decision to appeal is made. You tell me that you have a hearing in the near future and you now want some help. Since I don't know anything about your case I can't offer anything. The best I can tell you is that you may want to find an attorney who would take your case at this late date. Hiring a veterans law attorney doesn't cost any money out of pocket.