Jim, I'm trying to get my nonservice-connected migraines rated as a secondary condition to my service-connected mental health rating of 70% and / or my 50% OSA or sinus issues under the Allen aggravation principle...Ive got a neurologist's letter stating the anxiety rating and sinus issues are contributing factors to the migraines ...because I do not have any record of migraines in my military records, what are the chances of being rated under these circumstances? Is there some sort of baseline concerning the onset of migraines that needs to be apparent in order to service-connect under an aggravation principle?
Jim's Reply:
When we ask for a letter from a physician that substantiates our disability claim, we're seeking what is often called a nexus letter or an Independent Medical Opinion. These are very difficult for a physician to write as the VA requires some language that most aren't familiar with. For example, we want to see the letter state clearly that the service connected and currently rated condition (a) is more likely than not the cause of a currently diagnosed but not rated condition (b). In that example we'd say that condition (a) diabetes was the cause of the secondary condition of renal artery disease (b).
The aggravation of a service connected condition is an entirely different concept. For example, if you wear a prosthetic device that is in place because of a service connected and rated condition and the device rubs, irritates and inflames a close-by scar causing a problem like infection, that could be an aggravated service connected condition. If your physician will positively make the link or connection between your current rated conditions and the conditions you want to claim, you may have a case.