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This guide will examine whether VA Mortgagees are legally obligated to offer and/or grant Special Forbearance to veteran borrowers prior to initiating foreclosure proceedings. This guide is intended for use by legal professionals and veteran advocates and this analysis is generally applicable to…
This undated memorandum contains information for lawyers whose clients receive Veterans' Disability Benefits and for lawyers whose clients want to collect child support from someone who receives Veterans' Disability Benefits.
Many veterans will face criminal charges as a result of behaviors prompted by drug or alcohol addiction or serious mental illness. In States where they are available, successful participants in the local Veterans Treatment Court can avoid jail time by utilizing coordinated supportive…
Please note: This 2012 document was created as an informational guide to the general topic of traumatic brain injury. It should be read for general information purposes only.
The Veterans Benefits Act of 2010 (PL 111-275, 124 Stat 2864) added an important new provision for service members who have been harmed by a violation of the federal Service Members Civil Relief Act.
Under Title VIII Civil Liability §802, the law provides:
(a) In General -…
Below are several toolkits and resources that will help you assist a veteran in need. They include links to specific laws, regulations, and veteran resources. Please contact us if you know of a helpful tool that is not included here.