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Treasury Department Circular No. 230: Regulations Governing Practice before the Internal Revenue Service.
This document is divided in to five subparts:
Subpart A - Rules Governing Authority to Practice
Subpart B - Duties and Restrictions Relating to Practice Before the…
Although attorneys have been authorized to accept VA benefit appeals since 2006, information suggests that they are handling only 15% of VA benefit appeals. This article provides interesting background on those issues and is useful reading for lawyers who want to do more advocacy with…
Mark Sullivan is a lawyer practicing in North Carolina and national expert on military divorce and many of the important legal protections available to servicemembers and their families. He is also a member of the StatesideLegal Advisory Board.
While written in 2011, the information in…
This undated memorandum may provide useful background for lawyers whose clients receive Veterans’ Disability Benefits and for lawyers whose clients want to collect child support from someone who receives Veterans’ Disability Benefits.
The United States military protects and defends the peace and safety of the United States, its commonwealths and territories and areas occupied by the U.S. Servicemembers are combat trained in order to fulfill the military's purpose and defend against aggressive acts as well as immediately…