Accelerated BVA Board appeal


Jim... the VA just transferred my BVA appeal to the Board and informed my of the ability to accelerate my case on the docket bc of advanced age - 77. what's your take on this option?  My issue is rather simple, so I wouldn't expect a decision would take long, plus do not want to jeopardize my chances for success. Guess my question is should I advance the docket because of advanced age? your sage advice has been generously provided in the past and always appreciated. Thanks.

Jim's Reply:

If BVA is notifying you of an opportunity to advance your appeal, by all means take it. You should be asking your attorney representative that question though, assuming that you aren't doing this alone? I'd never recommend going to BVA w/o a veterans law attorney at my side...that's like going to a gunfight armed with a KFC spork.