My niece is married to a veteran who is 100% disabled (PTSD). He is abusive, but they have 3 young boys, all under the age of 7, and she is afraid to get a divorce for fear of not being able to support her children. Her husband is currently working but has never been able to hold a job for long. She works part time and makes about a thousand a month. He brings on over $8,000 a month. He spends money on new cars, trucks and motorcycles and guns. But she has to beg for grocery money. They have been married for 11 years and her self esteem has shrinks to nothing from his verbal abuse and cheating. Her children are being harmed daily by his screaming at them. He threatens suicide often. She needs to get out for herself and for the children. Where does she even start?
Jim's Reply:
I don't know. You're her aunt or uncle, shouldn't you be answering that? In my mind a trip to a lawyer for a divorce seems logical but you say that won't happen so.
- PS from StatesideLegal: The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides free confidential support to individuals in this situation and can provide local referral resources. In many states, local legal aid providers also provide free assistance to victims who need help with next steps -- so you may also want to look for a local LSC provider in our "Find Legal Help" directory and encourage your niece to contact them..