75 year old Vietnam Vet with Lung Cancer


My dad had lung cancer. Part of his lung was removed.  The 100% disability was to be re-evaluated in 6 months scheduler, but he has not received any thing in 18 months from VA. He was in Vietnam and exposed to Agent Orange. Is it our responsibility to notify the VA? He is 75 and,  since surgery, doesn't breathe well.  Some people have told us VA doesn't do re-evaluation after 55 yrs of age. Just thought I would ask. Thank you in advance.

Jim's Reply:

I'd suggest that you don't do anything. VA is likely not paying this much attention due to his age. Once we're past 70, some rules change just a bit. Here's a tip...does he need oxygen at home? If having home oxygen would make him more comfortable, he should ask for it. Most doctors are happy to prescribe it and VA will send it and have it all set up. Home oxygen therapy used to treat a service connected condition (like post-operative lung cancer in the RVN veteran) will be rated at 100%.