I have a combined 70% rating IU. I was told, if I get schedular rating, then I can work & still receive my full 100% compensation. Then they bring up substantial gainful employment, but NOBODY with VA can define what that means in dollars or hours of work. Hope you have a clear answer.
Jim's Reply:
The TDIU benefit is basically a shortcut to get to the 100% rating. Veterans who are eligible are those who are unable to hold gainful employment because of rated disabling conditions and are rated at least 60% for a single rating or 70% with at least one 40% rating. Gainful employment is defined as that employment that will pay you an income that is greater than the federal poverty level in your region.
Veterans rated at 70% who try to reach 100% on the schedule rarely make it because of VA math. If you are rated at 100% TDIU and you're able to work at gainful employment, you aren't eligible for the TDIU benefit and seeking the 100% P & T schedular rating often backfires and you can be reduced to a very basic rating.